America - We Can Do More

This video was made as a request for America to start caring. We no longer pray and see no future in it and God says NO! The prayers of the righteous avail much.

There is a crisis in America with homeless families. The food pantries are overburdened. We all have a responsibility as a christian to help others in need. If we dont then we love ourselves more and not Jesus. You can't serve both.

We must lay down our lives as christian's and do what God puts in front of us. That goes for the churches too. It is amazing how we say we love God and won't pray or worship him. God has not changed. He is the same and will heal our land if we will lift up our eyes to the hills.

Watch the video and allow the Lord to minister to your heart.

Apostle Diane Robinson

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Scriptures For Flagging

Flag Scriptures

(Galatians 6:7, 8, 9)(Jeremiah 17:10)
(I Corinthians 13:11) (Joshua 1:8)

Scripture Meditation for Dance/Flag Ministry

Psalms 149
Jeremiah 29:11
John 10:4
Proverbs 19:2
Luke 14:28
Psalms 24:4,5
Psalms 25


Quality time in the Bible and in Prayer
Regular attendance in church
Participation in regular Praise time
Good attitude and good relations/respect for others
Be on time for meetings/practices/Ministry time
Let me know if you can't make a meeting/practice
Spend time at home with Lord/Practice/Meditate
Be willing to make sacrifices for others

Luke 12:35 Be dressed, ready for service, and keep your lamps burning.

Anyone in the Dance/Flag Ministry (Or part of the Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership) displaying Obvious Sin/Purposely Displaying Cruelty/Disrespect for the Pastor(s) or/and to/for Others, Or Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership that is Misusing Authority that was given to them- can be asked to step down from Dance/Flag Ministry and/or Their Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership Position, by the Pastor(s)(or person/people that the Pastor(s) have placed in Authority over a Ministry). The Pastor(s) are the "Head" of the Local Body Church.

Pray Against the Spirits of:

*We all need to Pray AGAINST Spirits & Feelings of

Covetousness (Wanting what someone else has)
(Backbiting, Gossip, ANY Division amongst the Dance/Flag Ministry OR within the Body of Christ as a "Whole").

Pray For the Spirits of:

Holy Boldness (Confidence in God)

I John 1
Jeremiah 17:9-10
Ephesians 6:11-12

Scripture Meditation (Dance/Flag Ministry Leadership)

Jeremiah 17:10
I John 1:9
Isaiah 50:4
Ecclesiastes 4:9,10
Proverbs 11:14
Proverbs 15:22
Proverbs 24:6
Psalms 55:14
John 7:24
Malachi 3:18
Matthew 7:16-20
Deuteronomy 1:16,17,18
I Kings 3:9,10,11
Galatians 6:7,8,9
James 4:10

The Colors of The Flag and What They Mean

Yellow: Faith and glory of God (Romans 4:20), anointing (Exodus 25:6)

Orange: Fire of God (Ezekiel 1:4; 27; 8:2), deliverance (Daniel 3:19-29), warrior (Psalm 97:3), passionate praise (Ephesians 3:19)

Fuchsia: Joy (Isaiah 55:1; Nehemiah 8:10), right relationship (Psalm 16:11; 32:11), communion (Song of Solomon 5:1)

Scarlet: Fine linen for the tabernacle (Exodus 26:1; 31; 36; Numbers 4:8), Cleansing (Leviticus 14:52), Royalty (Daniel 5:7; 16; 29)

Red: Blood of Jesus (Ephesians 1:7), love of Christ (Romans 8:35-36), blood of the lamb, atonement (Leviticus 14:52-53), redemption (Galatians 3:13), salvation (Joshua 2:18-21)

Wine: new birth (Matthew 9:17), multiply (John 2:9; 10), overflow (Joel 2:24), mercy (Amos 9:13, 14), filled with plenty (Proverbs 3:10), new wine (Ephesians 5:18)

Purple: Royalty (Ester 8:15; Revelation 1:6), kingship (Mark 15:17; John 19:2), majesty, mediator, wealth (Judges 8:26; Revelations 18:16), authority (Ezekiel 27:7)

Blue/Sapphire: Law/commandments (Numbers 15:38-41), heaven (Ezekiel 1:26), revealed God (Exodus 24:10), grace (Romans 6:14; Hebrew 4:16), the Priesthood (Exodus 28:31), water of the Word and authority (Ephesians 5:26), prayer, river of God (Revelation 22:1-2; 17), over-comer
(1 John 4:4; Revelation 3:21), Living water (John 7:38-39), Holy Spirit, divine revelation (Hebrews 10:15-16)

Turquoise/Jasper/Aqua: River of God (Revelation 22:1), sanctification, healing (Revelation 22:2), life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13), the New Jerusalem (Revelation 3:12; 21:2)

Green: Praise (1 Chronicles 16:32-34; Psalm 63:3), life, (1 John 2:25), health (Genesis 1:30), growth (Genesis 9:3), prosperity (Genesis 30:37-41), restoration (Isaiah 61:3; Psalm 23:2,3) new beginning (Isaiah 27:6; Romans 6:4), fruitfulness (Psalm 52:8; Hosea 14:8), flourishing (Jeremiah 17:8; Ezekiel 17:24; Psalm 92:12-15)

Gold: Eternal Deity, the Godhead, foundation, sanctified (2 Timothy 2:20:21), alter (Genesis 44:8; Exodus 37:2;6; 25:11;12), beauty (Ester 1:6;7), precious, holiness (Genesis 39:30), glory, purified out of the refining fire (Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9), tested (1 Corinthians 3:11-14), majesty (Ester 8:15), righteousness (Psalm 119:127), divine light (1 John 1:7)

Silver: The Word of God, redemption (Deuteronomy 22:29; Matthew 27:5; 6; Ephesians 4:30) refined, purity (Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9), divinity, righteousness, salvation (Zechariah 11:12; 13)

White: The Bride of Christ (Psalm 29:2; Romans 6:22; Ephesians 5:8-16; 1 Timothy 4:12; 1 John 1:7; Revelation 3:4-5; 7:9;14; 19:8;11;14; 22:17), purity (2 Chronicles 5:12; Daniel 12:10), Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16; Luke 3:22; John 1:32), blessedness, holiness (Ecclesiastes 9:8; Isaiah 35:8; 1 Chronicles 16:29; Psalm 47:8; 96:9; Ephesians 4:24, 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 4:7), righteousness (Isaiah Revelati
1:18; 61:10), light (Ecclesiastes 2:13), joy (Ester 8:15-17), angels (John 20:12), saints (Psalm 30:4), peace (Hebrews 12:14), completion (Matthew 17:2; Colossians 2:10; 4:12), conquest (Daniel 7:90), triumph, victory (Matthew 28:3; on 1:14; 20:11), surrender, harvest (John 4:35)

Brown: End of a season (Ecclesiastes 3:2; Jeremiah 8:13; Matthew 21:19; 2 Corinthians 4:11; James 1:11), Pride/filthy rags (Isaiah 24:4; 28:1; 64:6), Weary, faint (Galatians 6:9), People (Isaiah 40:7 - 8)

Black/Onyx: Darkness, evil, sin, (Zechariah 6:2; Jude 13; Revelation 6:5; 12), affliction, humiliation, calamity, death, famine, mourning, (Jeremiah 8:21) reconciling Mediator, authority (Exodus 28:9; 20; Ester 1:6; 9:29) obedience unto death (Revelation 12:11)

Color Combinations

Tabernacle - Scarlet, Purple and Blue: These are the colors used in the tabernacle where God dwelled with the Israelites in the desert (Exodus 28:8; 36:8; 39:1)

Bride of Christ - Gold, Silver and White: We are purified when Jesus redeemed us to become holy as He is holy (Malachi 3:3; Deuteronomy 22:29; Ephesians 4:24)

Fire - Yellow, Orange and Red: As we stand in faith the glory of God is revealed no enemy can penetrate His protection or overcome His deliverance (Romans 4:20; Psalm 97:3; Joshua 2:18-21)

Faith - Yellow, Green and Blue: Faith in God's ways given to us by the Holy Spirit brings life to us now and for eternity (Romans 4:20; Hebrews 10:15-16; 1 John 2:25)

Healing water - Blue and Aqua: Life, cleansing, healing (Psalm 1:1-3; Revelation 22:1)

Covenant/Promise - Rainbow colors: Promises of God (Genesis 9:13)

Grace - Purple and pink: We are adopted into royalty when we are birthed into God's Kingdom. This is only done by His grace He provides everything we need. (2 Corinthians 8:9)

Mercy - Purple and red: Jesus is our mediator and redeemer, He clothed us in salvation and gives us a robe of righteousness (Titus 3:4-7; Isaiah 61:10)

Praise - Fuchsia, purple and aqua: We have joy in the wealth of the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 33:9; Hebrews 2:10-12; 13:15)

Worship - Purple, blue, and wine: Longing, seeking to be in His presence (Matthew 2:2; John 9:31)

Majesty - Purple and blue: Dignity, priestly, power, authority, ruler, King or high official (1 Chronicles 29:24-25; 2 Chronicles 2:14; 3:14; Jeremiah 10:9; Ester 8:15; Ezekiel 27:7)

Repentance - Black, Red and White: All can be redeemed by Jesus through repentance, because all of us fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23 - 24)

Purpose Of The Flags

Outreaches to the lost – call everyone in to worship God through flags. Flags are often seen in parades, football games and on poles outside homes and businesses. Flags are to be seen from far off. They are a rallying point for people to gather together. Just as billboards are used to advertise their place of business or products, flags can be used to lift up the name of Jesus and many of His wonderful promises. A message may be spoken through the flags by adding movements with the flags to Godly music. This becomes an experience that not only penetrates through sound, but also through the eyes that are a window to the soul. This form of ministry can open the way for people to freely come to see what you are doing, and provide an opportunty for you to share the gospel with them.

Prayer walks – can be used to take back our land as spoken of in Joshua 1:3 – 9. God does not want us to be afraid or dismayed by what is going on in our land. He wants us to be strong and courageous, knowing He is with us. Where we place our foot in prayer He will give to us as we ask in His name. Prayer walks can also be reminders for other people as they see the flags to pray for our nation, servicemen, leadership or government. Our cities and communities need our prayers because of all the mixed messages that have created confusion in our land. We can also bring peace where we go and deposit it into our communities. As we are filled up with God’s presence we can pour out His peace wherever we may go.

Praise and worship – this is where the union of flags and music come together in an experience that can leave a lasting impression in the mind and your heart.

· In service where the Word is spoken this adds a 3rd strand in the strength and depth of your worship experience. Ecclesiastes 4:12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

· In your own personal time at home is where you can develop your own form of movement and expression of praise and worship. As you develop in your spiritual growth and begin to discern how you need to minister in your own home you may find flags helpful for spiritual warfare and cleansing in your home. The music can clear the air in your home (setting the atmosphere) where the flags can be used to stake your claim, kick the enemy out, cover by the blood, or pray for healing. I have personally found that when I am praying through my home I often times get easily distracted by things I see that need to be done. When I have a flag in my hand it actually helps to keep me focused to pray through until I am finished.

Prayer and ministry – in a group, service, retreat, conference, or wherever there is a need. In an organized gathering please make sure you have permission to use flags by the leadership. Flags can be overpowering in many ways so if they are used out of order it is only magnified. Everything should be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:39 – 40 Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy, and do not forbid to speak with tongues. 40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

· Prophetically means you are hearing from God and are prepared to minister under His leadership. Many times you may not even understand the message you are speaking with the flags - this is very similar to speaking in tongues. Just know that when you are truly being lead by the Holy Spirit you can trust Him. The Holy Spirit may later reveal the meaning of what you were doing or someone may come to you and tell you how they were ministered to.

· There may be an opportunity for intercessory prayer for healing. As we allow ourselves to be a vessel to be used by God, we can allow Him to minister healing and restoration to the people. The flags can encourage people to look up to God for their source of help. The flag can be a visual point of contact very similar to the snake placed on a pole just as God directed Moses to do. As they would look upon the pole with the snake by faith they would be healed. Numbers 21:8 – 9 Then the LORD said to Moses, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live." So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

· Warfare can be demonstrated in several ways. First let me say our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12. We can make a proclamation by posting our flag high and holding it still. This can be done in strategic places around the room or even just by the entrance way. Warfare can take place as a prayer is being spoken by gently waving the flag asking the Holy Spirit to move on their behalf. Warfare can also take place in our praises. Smaller flags can be used and cracking sounds can be made to chase off the enemy.

Celebration can be shown in many ways. As we humble ourselves and acknowledge God as our source of everything we need, we can bring all glory unto Him. Celebration can be a very joyous event with flags and dancing, or it may be a bowing in reverence and even tears as we realize we just cannot contain all of His richness and goodness. We do have a mighty God to celebrate and our lives lived out in worship for Him is a continual celebration. This is how we can draw in the lost as they begin to desire to have what we have.

Monday, November 16, 2009

You Had Better Sit Down For This One

3 to 4.3 Billion Barrels of Technically Recoverable Oil Assessed in North Dakota and Montana's Bakken Formation-25 Times More Than 1995 Estimate-

This came from Canada - pretty interesting!

Here's an interesting read, important and verifiable information :

About 6 months ago, the writer was watching a news program on oil and one of the Forbes Bros. was the guest. The host said to Forbes, "I am going to ask you a direct question and I would like a direct answer; how much oil does the U.S. have in the ground?" Forbes did not miss a beat, he said, "more than all the Middle East put together." Please read below.

The U. S. Geological Service issued a report in April 2008 that only scientists and oil men knew was coming, but man was it big. It was a revised report (hadn't been updated since 1995) on how much oil was in this area of the western 2/3 of North Dakota, western South Dakota, and extreme eastern Montana ..... check THIS out:
The Bakken is the largest domestic oil discovery since Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, and has the potential to eliminate all American dependence on foreign oil. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates it at 503 billion barrels. Even if just 10% of the oil is recoverable... at $107 a barrel, we're looking at a resource base worth more than $5..3 trillion.

"When I first briefed legislators on this, you could practically see their jaws hit the floor. They had no idea.." says Terry Johnson, the Montana Legislature's financial analyst.
"This sizable find is now the highest-producing onshore oil field found in the past 56 years," reports The Pittsburgh Post Gazette. It's a formation known as the Williston Basin, but is more commonly referred to as the 'Bakken.' It stretches from Northern Montana, through North Dakota and into Canada. For years, U. S. oil exploration has been considered a dead end. Even the 'Big Oil' companies gave up searching for major oil wells decades ago. However, a recent technological breakthrough has opened up the Bakken's massive reserves.... and we now have access of up to 500 billion barrels. And because this is light, sweet oil, those billions of barrels will cost Americans just $16 PER BARREL!
That's enough crude to fully fuel the American economy for 2041 yearsstraight. And if THAT didn't throw you on the floor, then this next one should - because it's from 2006!
U. S. Oil Discovery- Largest Reserve in the World

Stansberry Report Online - 4/20/2006
Hidden 1,000 feet beneath the surface of the Rocky Mountains lies the largest untapped oil reserve in the world. It is more than 2 TRILLION barrels. On August 8, 2005 President Bush mandated its extraction. In three and a half years of high oil prices none has been extracted. With this motherload of oil why are we still fighting over off-shore drilling?
They reported this stunning news: We have more oil inside our borders, than all the other proven reserves on earth. Here are the official estimates:

- 8-times as much oil as Saudi Arabia
- 18-times as much oil as Iraq
- 21-times as much oil as Kuwait
- 22-times as much oil as Iran
- 500-times as much oil as Yemen
- and it's all right here in the Western United States .

HOW can this BE? HOW can we NOT BE extracting this? Because the environmentalists and others have blocked all efforts to help America become independent of foreign oil! Again, we are letting a small group of people dictate our lives and our economy.....WHY?
James Bartis, lead researcher with the study says we've got more oil in this very compact area than the entire Middle East -more than 2 TRILLION barrels untapped. That's more than all the proven oil reserves of crude oil in the world today, reports The Denver Post.
Don't think 'OPEC' will drop its price - even with this find? Think again! It's all about the competitive marketplace, - it has to. Think OPEC just might be funding the environmentalists?

Got your attention yet? Now, while you're thinking about it, do this:
Pass this along. If you don't take a little time to do this, then you should stifle yourself the next time you complain about gas prices - by doing NOTHING, you forfeit your right to complain.

Now I just wonder what would happen in this country if every one of you sent this to every one in your address book.
By the way...this is all true. Check it out at the link below!!!
GOOGLE it, or follow this link. It will blow your mind.