America - We Can Do More

This video was made as a request for America to start caring. We no longer pray and see no future in it and God says NO! The prayers of the righteous avail much.

There is a crisis in America with homeless families. The food pantries are overburdened. We all have a responsibility as a christian to help others in need. If we dont then we love ourselves more and not Jesus. You can't serve both.

We must lay down our lives as christian's and do what God puts in front of us. That goes for the churches too. It is amazing how we say we love God and won't pray or worship him. God has not changed. He is the same and will heal our land if we will lift up our eyes to the hills.

Watch the video and allow the Lord to minister to your heart.

Apostle Diane Robinson

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Today's Rhema Word "Mirror"


A pattern; an exemplar; that on which men ought to fix their eyes; that which gives a true representation, or in which a true image may be seen.

What do you Mirror? What is your Mirror? Who is your Mirror? It is important to use the word because we are not God we are not capable of seeing ourselves the way he does (A true representation). Sometimes we magnify even the smallest flaws. Love is what we should all see when we look in the mirror. Look in your mirro...r. Take an assessment. What flaws are you focusing on? Give them to Jesus.


His Beloved said...

Love is what we should all see when we look in the mirror.

OOOO amen .......

I see love ...I see forgiveness... I see a woman with purpose and passion for the lost and her loving her Father. I see transformation power, peace, love, hope and honor. I see JESUS !!!! My prayer is that other see Him and His love through my eyes.

His Beloved said...

Love is what we should all see when we look in the mirror.

OOOO amen .......

I see love ...I see forgiveness... I see a woman with purpose and passion for the lost and her loving her Father. I see transformation power, peace, love, hope and honor. I see JESUS !!!! My prayer is that other see Him and His love through my eyes.

In His Love
